His Holiness
Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Maharaja
Project Director
Appeals To You
(Audio :  Duration 00:00:XX)

Vedic Culture has existed since time immemorial and will continue to exist in the future with the support of its devoted followers. It is the true heritage of India and is manifest by the individual soul's unalloyed devotional spirit for Lord Krishna, God. For this reason India, the land of Vedic culture, is sometimes referred  to as the "Empire of the Spirit". It is with this spirit that the great task of constructing the Sri Sri Radha Krishnachandra Manimandira has been undertaken. Sri Sri Radha Krishnachandra Manimandira is the main center of the University of Bhagavata Culture and is to be inaugurated in November, 2000. An appeal for support from generous friends and responsible individuals is solicited forthwith, so that the project can be completed by November, 2000.

Kindly Send Your Donations By:

* Draft/cheque drawn in favor of  "Sri Sri Radha Krishna Manimandir" to one of the addresses mentioned in Contact Us At

*  Bank Transfer: You can wire money directly to this account:
    Account Name: Sri Sri Radha Krishna Manimandir
    Account Number: 01 00 00 50 281
    State Bank of India
    Paona Bazar, Imphal 795 001, Manipur, India.

Please see "Glories of Building a Temple of Lord  Sri Hari" which gives a list of  quotes from important scriptures about  the significance of helping in building a Temple of Lord.